Monday, November 28, 2011


Crime like many things has patterns. One thing is related to another and to another. In order to track down criminals I follow these patterns. I try to see where they will lead. And where they lead can be quite interesting.

I started to notice that the flow of crime was what it normally was. It seemed as if the pattern was be altered. Crime used to be like a child's painting, messy but with an obvious form. Now it is becoming more sophisticated. This is when I realized that there was an artist of crime. Someone somehow was controlling and directing all of the crime of the city.

This is when I realized that I had an enemy. This enemy was always one step ahead of the law. At first I attributed his success to careful planning, a corrupt cop, or something supernatural. No mater what the police or I did he continued to elude the law. There was nothing beyond hints and rumors. Never was there any evidence. Anytime we thought we had found a lead, we would inevitably find the informant dead before gaining any information. Some even began to believe him a myth.

I continued to track him and try to figure out what he was doing that let him stay ahead of everyone. I started to think that he had to be a mutant of some sort, something like me. That is when he contacted me. Introducing himself under the pseudonym of Cog, short for Precognition, he explained that he was writing to me in order to taunt me and challenge himself. Explained that there was nothing that I could do to catch up to him and that if I continue to chase him that I would most likely end up crippled or dead.

I figure that based on his name that he had some sort of precognitive abilities. At this time I am not sure to what extent he can see into the future or if he has control and to what extent he may have control. I tried tracking Cog down following his IP address but after being bounced through dozens of different proxy servers the trail disappeared into the nether of the web and left me wondering who he was or what he plans to do.