Friday, November 18, 2011

Life as a Cop

I knew from the beginning that I had to use my gift for good. I needed an excuse to use my power but at the same time be responsible with it. I figured that law enforcement would be the best option. With the fact that my sight draws me to crime like a moth to a flame I should be able to do something about it. Thats why I entered the police academy.

My education at the academy was tough but enjoyable. It was great to be surrounded my people who wanted wanted to both serve and protect. After three months of training I was finally able to get out into the field (legally at least) and start stopping bad guys. I loved it. I was great at it. I ate it up. My trainer was always amazed that I had the knack to be in the right place at the right time. I actually think that in unnerved him but as long as we were being so successful he did not care.

Unfortunately this did not last long. As time went on we started to have problems. For example we were called in on a petty theft right before a bank robbery occurred. So while we were taking statements I got the tell tale migraine and was able to scan to the bank robbery. However it is sometimes hard to tell your partner "Hey a bank is being robbed right now" without him getting a little suspicious. I tried to convince him to wrap everything up quick but he just did not feel like it. The migraine kept getting worse until I finally took off without him. Unfortunately I did not make it in time to stop the heist. Not to mentioned how pissed he was at me for leaving him.

After a few incidents like this and a disciplinary file as thick as "War and Peace" I was off the force not quite sure what to do with myself. It wasn't a good time for me. The migraines came often and were relentless since I was not moving to the locations of the disturbances. Thats when I realized that I could do just as much good on my own as I could do while wearing a badge, maybe even a little bit more.