Monday, November 28, 2011


Crime like many things has patterns. One thing is related to another and to another. In order to track down criminals I follow these patterns. I try to see where they will lead. And where they lead can be quite interesting.

I started to notice that the flow of crime was what it normally was. It seemed as if the pattern was be altered. Crime used to be like a child's painting, messy but with an obvious form. Now it is becoming more sophisticated. This is when I realized that there was an artist of crime. Someone somehow was controlling and directing all of the crime of the city.

This is when I realized that I had an enemy. This enemy was always one step ahead of the law. At first I attributed his success to careful planning, a corrupt cop, or something supernatural. No mater what the police or I did he continued to elude the law. There was nothing beyond hints and rumors. Never was there any evidence. Anytime we thought we had found a lead, we would inevitably find the informant dead before gaining any information. Some even began to believe him a myth.

I continued to track him and try to figure out what he was doing that let him stay ahead of everyone. I started to think that he had to be a mutant of some sort, something like me. That is when he contacted me. Introducing himself under the pseudonym of Cog, short for Precognition, he explained that he was writing to me in order to taunt me and challenge himself. Explained that there was nothing that I could do to catch up to him and that if I continue to chase him that I would most likely end up crippled or dead.

I figure that based on his name that he had some sort of precognitive abilities. At this time I am not sure to what extent he can see into the future or if he has control and to what extent he may have control. I tried tracking Cog down following his IP address but after being bounced through dozens of different proxy servers the trail disappeared into the nether of the web and left me wondering who he was or what he plans to do.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Bittersweet Success

I have been operating  independently for about six months now and it has been amazing. For the most part I never have a migraine other than as an indicator of a crime in progress. I have stopped murders, rapists, bank robbers, and arsons. The people that I have helped have been so kind and grateful of my efforts. I feel like I have found my place in the world.

My main problem right now is the media. Once it got out that I could use my powers to see anything anywhere people started to complain. The media is making me out as this vigilante peeping tom. The victims that I have saved are always quick to defend me but the news corps are more interested in creating controversy than reporting on what is actually going on. Its more important to them that they get good ratings than telling the truth.

With all the bad coverage that I have been getting it is always hard after a rescue. I could have just tackled a bank robber about to get away but that doesn't stop people from yelling at me or calling a pervert. I just hope that if I continue to endure the slander that soon people will realize that I am making a difference. That I am worthy to be their defender. I will be patient with them. I will be the hero that they need even when they do not want me. I will continue.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Becoming a Superhero

The decision to become a super hero seemed very natural. Although if you try to look at it logically it is nuts. But then maybe it takes a little crazy to fix the craziness that surrounds us. Without the ability to work within the law I knew that I was destined to work outside of the law. Of course like any other hero I would need some sort of outfit. So far I am starting out simple with jeans, a leather jacket, and a cloth mask that has an image of a skull just to be a little theatrical. I figure that I might as well be as comfortable as I can while still having a little fun.

I knew that I would always want to be prepared so I tried to keep my armaments to a minimum so that I could always have them with me but small enough that it wouldn't be obvious that I had them. Right now I am carrying a pair of expanding batons (which conveniently fit in a pocket) as my primary weapons. I have a small blade hidden in my belt buckle. The belt itself is a 50' length of paracord woven in a quick release pattern if I ever need to make a rapid decent. I  Lastly there is a small handful of zip ties hidden in my jacket for when I need to restrain a defeated opponent.

With my arsenal I figured I was ready to hit the streets. The question is, are the streets ready for me?

Friday, November 18, 2011

Life as a Cop

I knew from the beginning that I had to use my gift for good. I needed an excuse to use my power but at the same time be responsible with it. I figured that law enforcement would be the best option. With the fact that my sight draws me to crime like a moth to a flame I should be able to do something about it. Thats why I entered the police academy.

My education at the academy was tough but enjoyable. It was great to be surrounded my people who wanted wanted to both serve and protect. After three months of training I was finally able to get out into the field (legally at least) and start stopping bad guys. I loved it. I was great at it. I ate it up. My trainer was always amazed that I had the knack to be in the right place at the right time. I actually think that in unnerved him but as long as we were being so successful he did not care.

Unfortunately this did not last long. As time went on we started to have problems. For example we were called in on a petty theft right before a bank robbery occurred. So while we were taking statements I got the tell tale migraine and was able to scan to the bank robbery. However it is sometimes hard to tell your partner "Hey a bank is being robbed right now" without him getting a little suspicious. I tried to convince him to wrap everything up quick but he just did not feel like it. The migraine kept getting worse until I finally took off without him. Unfortunately I did not make it in time to stop the heist. Not to mentioned how pissed he was at me for leaving him.

After a few incidents like this and a disciplinary file as thick as "War and Peace" I was off the force not quite sure what to do with myself. It wasn't a good time for me. The migraines came often and were relentless since I was not moving to the locations of the disturbances. Thats when I realized that I could do just as much good on my own as I could do while wearing a badge, maybe even a little bit more.

Monday, November 14, 2011


It was not easy at first to control my second sight but I found that it was invaluable during a fight. With the ability to see the fight from any angle made it so I could see weaknesses in my opponents fighting style. It was easy to see when they were off balance. Best of all I could see enemies behind me. Just when my opponents thought that I was compromised, I would have them.

I also started to learn how to use my second sight to see other places. I found that clairvoyance is really handy. It was like having my own personal Google Earth running all the time. My breath was taken away the first time I saw a sunset from the perspective of the space station.

I found that as I trained my body and my second sight that the migraines dissipated. However every once in a while I would have a major migraine attack. I soon realized that the migraines corresponded with major crimes in the city. When I scanned the city I could home in on the criminals and the migraine would go away. This is the moment I realized I would forever more be a crime fighter.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Beginning

Had you known me as a child you would have never known that it would be me who would grow up to be a superhero. As a child I had debilitating migraines. My parents often thought I was just faking to get out of school. It wasn't until a doctor watched me have a migraine attack at a restaurant and informed my parents that I was probably in very serious pain that they believed me.

First doctors gave me drugs which helped. At least until the migraines got worse. Then it got to the point where even being constantly medicated was not enough. That's when I got my first CAT scan and found out that I am a little more than different.

The doctors informed my parents that I had an abnormal growth in my brain. However, unlike a tumor, it seemed to be integrated into my brain. It seemed to have neural activity and blood flow as if it were supposed to be a natural part of my brain. It appeared to be similar to my visual cortex which explained why I always saw bright lights and colors when I had my migraine attacks. And they told me there was nothing that could be done.

Fortunately for me my parents would not give up on me. Since western medicine did not have an answer they started looking at other options. Accupressure was a much needed relief but it was not a solution.

It wasn't until someone suggested mediation to me that I found relief. When I was 16 another patient at my acupuncturist suggested a Kung Fu class which I thought would be cool even if it didn't help the migraines. I quickly found that the meditation before and after practice really made a difference. The migraines lessened about as fast as I progressed physically.

Everything changed after my first competition. I went home to relax and meditate and something unexpected happened. As I cleared my mind I became aware of my surroundings. My eyes were closed, but I could see all around me. It was as if I was looking down from the ceiling at myself. That's when I remembered that my doctor said that my brain growth looked like a second visual cortex.

Friday, November 4, 2011


This is the first of I hope many posts to come. I start this blog as a record of who I am and what I do. I write this in hopes that history will not vilify me for the things that I am to do. I know that I work outside of the law. I am a vigilante. I wish that it did not have to be this way. Trust me I tried working in the law, but it did not work. There was so much that I could not do. So much evil that I could not stop within the bounds of law. Therefore I hope that you will be able to appreciate my actions for what they are and not hate them for the laws that were broken. Unfortunately I cannot make this available to be read for now. It may be years before it is safe for me to share this with the world. Or I will at least wait until my identity is revealed so that if there are clues to who I am in this blog, at least it will no longer matter.